Black Friday 2022 – 50% of consumers intend to make purchases

Posted on : February 27, 2024 | post in : Telegram Data |Leave a reply |

Black Friday is without a doubt one of the most important dates for national commerce. According to research carried out by NielsenIQ | Ebit , in 2021, e-commerce on that date totaled R$4.2 billion, representing a growth of 5% compared to 2020. Additionally, there was an increase in sales in the week before Black Friday. Also according to the research, Esquenta Black Friday totaled R$2.8 billion in sales in 2021. As for 2022, expectations are even higher. According to the Black Friday survey, carried out by Mercado Globo, at least 50% of Brazilians intend to buy something during the promotion period.

Consumer profile

The age group of consumers who purchased the most in 2021 was between 25 and 34 (42%). Close behind were those aged 35 to 44 (32%). Both genders were equal, with women having a slight Italy Telegram Number Data advantage with 53%, while men had 47% of purchases. Among the social classes, Level C was the one that consumed the most, around 60%. Classes A and B consumed 40%. Black Fraud In 2021, 80% of consumers were satisfied or very satisfied with their purchases made on Black Friday. However, many consumers expected bigger discounts (40%) and cheaper shipping (39%). These reasons caused consumers to stop purchasing. Omnichannel Last year, e-commerce stood out as the main sales channel at BF. However, it is worth mentioning that in 2022, 71% of respondents stated that omnichannel offers a better shopping experience.

Telegram Data

World Cup on Black Friday

The World Cup, which will take place between November and December, will be a greater stimulus for consumption, as 56% of those interviewed stated that they will buy something because of Nigeria Telegram Number the football event. The most prominent segments are: Clothing and accessories (20%), electronics (15%) and shopping in supermarkets (14%). Of the people who intend to buy something due to the World Cup, 72% intend to buy during the BF. Sign up for our Newsletter and learn everything about e-commerce! Applications are increasingly consolidating themselves as one of the most important channels for retail on Black Friday . In 2021, on the same date, app sales will grow by 55%. The share of sales through apps represented 21% of total revenue from online sales. On one day of Black Friday alone, more than 10 million notifications were delivered.

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