Cinema films coming out in 2022

Posted on : October 17, 2023 | post in : Country Email List |Leave a reply |

What to expect from the new film season? How will cinema commercials help your business. Life in movie theaters during 2020 and 2021 hasn’t been easy. After an encouraging start, which seemed like it could bring even better results. Than the sensational ones of 2019, the pandemic arrived to stop the box office successes. Despite the stop to admissions – and income – since march 2020, the world of cinema. Unlike many other activities, has managed to survive . Streaming platforms and hybrid distribution, which various production companies have resorted to. Have not erased the irreplaceability of the experience lived inside a cinema . Precisely the uniqueness of the experience at the cinema was the reason that pushed. Many producers to postpone the release of their films without resorting to alternative platforms

Reopening of cinemas after Covid how did it go

The return to theaters during covid happened in fits and starts. The first reopenings, given the space and time restrictions due to social distancing and curfews, were rather symbolic. The actual restart was in october 2021 , when the prime ministerial. Decree declared the cancellation of social distancing and the achievement of 100% of the maximum capacity. Under two conditions having the green pass and using the mask. This fluctuating trend of reopenings has as a consequence a progressive bottling of titles. Films already ready and postponed will find country email list themselves competing with those recently produced. In practice, all the films scheduled for last year will be released during the autumn months, filling cinemas.

In Italy according to Luigi Lonigro

In italy, according to luigi national president of. Anica distributors (national association of cinematographic, audiovisual and multimedia industries), this problem. Does not seem to exist as the very structure of italian cinema is based on a mechanism of this type . In fact, in our cinemas there is a drop in admissions during the summer season. Due to the holidays, causing a BSB  Directory crowding of titles in the autumn period. This is not a bad thing, on the contrary. It is thought that it will be precisely this overabundance of titles that will bring theaters back to full capacity .

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