The best advantages of this solution

Posted on : April 6, 2023 | post in : Whatsapp Mobile Number List |Leave a reply |

The entire page can be uploade at the very beginning in one go. Clicking on subpages is characterize by an immeiate reaction of the page and displaying its content without waiting for a response from the server. In other words, our website works like an application running on your computer. Its operation and correct display of subpages does not require additional communication with the server . 3 Less server load This is probably one of. SPA at the level of communication with the server works differently than a traditional website, and this brings a number of benefits for us. In the traditional approach, showing us a website on our computer can be compare to building a house, where each brick is delivere by wheelbarrow to the construction site separately.

I present a short comparative

There may be several workers with wheelbarrows, but each time we put one brick in it and slide it with it. After delivery, we return for whatsapp mobile number list another brick – and so on, until all the neee bricks have been delivere to the bricklayer. In the SPA approach, as I mentione earlier, the entire page can be loade in one go the first time it is accesse. Back to our construction analogy. In the case of SPA, it is stuffing a wheelbarrow to the brim with bricks and delivering it to a bricklayer to build a house. Of course, the wheelbarrow weighs more, but we only have to go through it once. Below test of the operation of the SPA website and the traditional one.

Whatsapp Mobile Number List

The sub pages appear immediately

Greater possibilities of content presentation BSB Lirectory The flashing of the page after clicking on the link, which I show in the video above, does not occur in the case of SPA pages, without any delay. The subpage is generate as fast as the computer and its processor allow it, in the case of SPA there is no delay that occurs when sending the page via the Internet connection.

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