Pix is ​​the second most accepted payment method in E-commerce

Posted on : February 27, 2024 | post in : Telegram Data |Leave a reply |

Launched in November.  Pix has become Pix is ​​the second most accepted payment method in E-commerce popular among online shoppers. Due to its agility and security, it has become the second most accepted payment method in Brazilian e-commerce. Now the modality has an acceptance of 78%, the same percentage as the bank slip, according to the July edition of the Gmattos Payment Study . According to the evaluation, the tendency is for Pix acceptance to reach 92% in the coming months, considering the segments of stores that do not yet use this form of payment, but that accept some type of payment in cash (brand or bank debit, or ticket). Of the stores that do not accept Pix, only 8% do not operate with cash payments.

Using Pix in E-commerce

Numerous retailers have offered incentives for customers to pay for their purchases on Pix. During the survey, 24% of stores that accept the payment method offered discounts of 3% to 10%. This is a strategy Malaysia Telegram Number Data that has been gaining a lot of traction in e-commerce and is widely used by retailers. In comparison, only 9% of stores offer discounts when the customer makes a purchase through payment by bank slip. Another finding that the study brought is that Pix does not tend to eliminate bills. Of the businesses that accept Pix, 82.6% accept the bank slip and 34.8% continue to operate with some debit payment (brand or bank). In fourth place in the Ranking is Payment Wallets.

Telegram Data

The advancement of this payment

Method has been closely monitored since its launch, practically. In January 2021, Pix was 5th in the Ranking, accepted by only 16.9% of virtual businesses in Brazil. Meanwhile, the bank slip UK Telegram Number was present in more than 74% of e-commerce. In the May 2022 edition, the bill had 76% acceptance and Pix reached 74%. Now in July, both are tied at 78%. The method had a positive variation, going from 45.85 to 47.5%. The big news is NuPay, introduced by Nubank to offer differentiated installments to its customers. Finally, debit remains in fifth place, with 30% acceptance in stores. Sign up for our Newsletter and learn everything about e-commerce.

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