Organic Traffic – The best strategies for your e-commerce

Posted on : February 28, 2024 | post in : Telegram Data |Leave a reply |

What is Organic Traffic? Organic traffic is the visits your website receives without having to pay for ads. It usually happens when someone searches for a term on a search engine like Google or Bing and finds your e-commerce. Whenever you do a Google search looking for something specific, you click on the first options that appear to you, right? As soon as you enter that page, you are generating organic traffic to that website. In addition to appearing in these search engines, there are other forms of organic traffic. In this article we will talk about the main strategies for you to be able to generate visits to your e-commerce without having to invest in paid advertisements. Focus on your persona: To be able to provide a good visitor experience on your website, you first need to understand who you are. Therefore, knowing your persona will be an incredible advantage in differentiating yourself and placing your website at the top of Google.

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

This acronym stands for search engine optimization. It is responsible for choosing who will rank best in searches carried out by users. Therefore, understanding how it works and what to do to increase your positioning is essential for organic traffic. With it, search engines can identify which page best provides a pleasant and reliable Australia Email List experience for visitors. For this reason, persona study is very useful, as said before. There are two factors that influence SEO and help increase your search rankings, and they are. How Magazord helps you with Chargeback SEO OFF PAGE These are SEO strategies applied off-page. To achieve the best performance in this strategy, in addition to offering a good search experience to the user, you also need to be relevant to Google. We’ll start with the user experience. This part includes some factors such as having a good page loading time, good security parameters and little comment spam. Now about relevance, this part depends a lot on how much traffic you can generate.


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How to sell your products on Google

SEO ON PAGE Unlike Off Page, On Page SEO works on your website page. This also involves a lot of the experience you will provide to your visitor, but also the quality of your content. To improve your On Page, some elements may need greater attention when creating content for your e-commerce pages. To help improve your ranking, we have some Arabia Email List tips for you to start applying right now in your e-commerce. Firstly, the layout and how it is being presented. It needs to be very clear and intuitive, thus helping your store visitor to easily find what they are looking for. To be able to reach your persona, you must know what research they do when looking for your product. After understanding this, you must use titles and keywords related to these terms so that they can find your e-commerce easily. The meta-description is that message that appears below the title in a Google search. In it, you need to convince the person to click on your website and not your competitor’s. Here, making a good call makes all the difference. After that, have well-made descriptions, written correctly, without grammatical errors.

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