Internet Can use Dicoding office

Posted on : October 8, 2023 | post in : Whatsapp Mobile Number List |Leave a reply |

Memiliki pertanyaaMen/icle, we will introduce you to Cloud technology. Starting from its understanding, benefits, to its implementation on one of the proud local Cloud Providers, namely Cloudeka!elect the right environment and prepare your application code to run. The final model is SaaS.  The reason is, you no longer need to think about the code or even the installation process to use the application. All application needs, the Cloud Provider provides. You just need to know how to use this service. Examples of these services are Google Docs, Netflix, and Gmail. You already know, understand the benefits and service models available in Cloud technology. If you are interested and want to try . It you have to choose the Cloud Provider .

You want to use So now we will

Introduce one of the proud local Cloud Providers that you can use. Get to know Cloudeka Meet Cloudeka  Which has served network and cloud matters for large .  And for Indonesia that ws number list has a strong understanding of market needs. Especially in Indonesia s a service provider continues to strive. And is   Cisco, VMware and other technology partners to strengthen Cloud-based services and products. Services and Products Cloudeka has a number of Cloud services including .

Infrastructure as a Service Platform

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As a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Here are the details: Infrastructure as a Service: Deka Prime (PX1) : Public Cloud service with complete features that will support your business. Deka Flexi (FX2) : Public Cloud Service with a pay-per-as-you-go model and simple VM deployment. Deka Vault : Cloud-based Backup and Disaster Recovery service ( recovery from disasters). That way, you don’t need to worry if your company’s application. Data is lost either BSB Directory due to human error or natural disasters. Deka Premium : A private Cloud service dedicated to just one customer. Platform as a Service: Deka Harbor : Container-based .

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