The Most Profitable Stocks

Posted on : October 4, 2023 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

Technology based stocks: technology based stocks are shares that come from technology companies and have the potential to generate high profits. Therefore, These stocks can have high volatility and risk, but can also provide high returns.

Dividend stocks: dividend stocks are shares that pay regular dividends to shareholders. These shares can provide high passive income for investors.

Therefore, Performance based shares: performance based shares are shares that pay dividends or bonuses based on the company’s performance. This allows investors to earn more profits if the company performs well.

Investment based shares: investment based shares are shares that are based on calculating financial ratios. This allows investors to make appropriate investments based on risk-reward analysis.

This context emphasizes that only

The true god has the right to material wealth and the true nature of its owner.

Al-iqtisad principle (balance): this conception emphasizes that financial management must be carried out in a balance between environmental protection, social development and economic management.

Therefore,  Al-tazkiyah principle (purification of the heart. This principle emphasizes that economic actors must be pure in their goals and must not commit fraud or damage.

Al-ghazu principle (care): this principle emphasizes that economic actors must care about other people and economic phonelist policies must be in favor of the public interest.

Principle of al-ijtihad (intellectual effort): this conception emphasizes that economic decision.

Making must be based on comprehensive study and analysis

Therefore, Usury is a type of loan or exchange that involves unfair interest or profit. Usury is prohibited in islam and is considered BSB Directory an unfair activity. Riba can be divided into several categories, namely buyu’.

Therefore, The following is an explanation of the types of usury

Therefore, Riba fadhl, riba fadhl is a form of usury which is prohibited in islam. This happens when you lend something to someone at a set interest rate. In most cases, riba fadhl involves borrowing money at a specified interest rate.

Riba al-nasia, riba al-nasia is a form of usury that involves unfair trade. This occurs when someone sells goods or services at excessive prices. In most cases, riba al-nasia involves purchasing goods or services at a higher price than the market price.

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