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Posted on : March 23, 2023 | post in : C Level Executive List |Leave a reply |

GOOGLE ADS Search ads allow you to reach customers looking for the products you offer. Ads should oscillate around specific offers that you want to draw the attention of potential buyers. As part of Google Ads you have two most important advertising formats at your disposal these are both text ads that are display in search results as well as Google Shopping Adsads display on product queries. They contain a photo of the product name price and address of the store that offers it. Research shows that as much as of click Google Ads ads contain words relat to the desire to buy.

The process of adding tracking codes

Google Shopping Ads example FACEBOOK ADS This is another valuable source of traffic but it works a bit differently. Here you target customers not by the name of the product but by their characteristicsplace of residence employment CMO Email Lists or interests. So you can for example decide to show ads to people who live by the sea and are interest in water sports. Facebook also offers a format similar to GSAFacebook Dynamic Ads. They display the products you have in your catalog to people who have shown interest in them. By the way Facebook has a very wide offer for owners of e commerce businesses but that’s a story for another article.

 C Level Executive List

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Dynamic Ads example source business community facebook ways to customize your facebook dynamic product ads for maximum performance Omnichannel It is a strategy that assumes the use and integration of many different communication and sales BSB Directory channels in order to guarantee customers the most convenient access to your store regardless of where they are and what device they use. It is under omnichannel that stores decide to run at least one profile in social mia present their offer on Allegro Amazon provide a mobile application and offer various communication channels. The idea is that anyone who is interest in your products can purchase them quickly and without much effort.

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