UAE telephone number format

Posted on : February 23, 2023 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a unique telephone number format that is different from other countries. In this article, we will discuss the UAE telephone number format in detail.

The UAE telephone number format consists of a total of nine digits. The first digit is always a “5”, which indicates that the number is a mobile phone number. The second digit is either a “0” or a “2”. The “0” indicates that the number is a landline in Abu Dhabi, while the “2” indicates that the number is a landline in Dubai.

What does a dubai phone number look like

The remaining seven digits are unique to each individual phone number. The format for mobile phone numbers is “5XXX XXXX”, while the format for landline numbers in Abu Dhabi is “02 XXX XXXX” and for landline numbers in Dubai it is “04 XXX XXXX”. The X’s represent the seven unique digits of the phone number.

It is important to note that when calling a UAE telephone number from outside the country, you must first dial the country code, which is “+971”. After the UAE Phone Number List country code, you will need to dial the relevant area code, either “2” for Abu Dhabi or “4” for Dubai, followed by the unique seven-digit phone number.

When calling a UAE telephone number from within the country, you do not need to include the country code or area code. You can simply dial the seven-digit phone number for mobile phones or the two-digit area code followed by the seven-digit phone number for landline phones.

Phone Number List

UAE phone format

In addition to the standard telephone number format, the UAE also has a system in place for toll-free numbers. These numbers typically BSB directory start with “800” and allow customers to call a business or service for free.

Overall, the UAE telephone number format is unique and easy to understand once you know the system. Whether you are calling from within the country or outside of it, understanding the format can help you make calls with ease.

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