It requires you to be transparent

Posted on : January 31, 2024 | post in : DB to Data |Leave a reply |

Create a solution-based plan for mistakes As long as you’ve built a good, trusting relationship, you’ll likely be forgiven for an occasional mistake, as long as it doesn’t happen more than once. “We found an error in a formula in the last report that was sent out. Going forward, a second person will be checking reports when formula edits are made” Offer credits if needed This should be reserved for only highly unusual or extreme situations, but if someone on your team overspent, nothing says “I own this” like a credit, especially if your contracts don’t require them.

Tips for surviving challenges or breaches

When you aren’t perfect in trust when they occur Get in front of credibility and reliability issues early For example, consider how you’d feel if you received this note on a Wednesday DB to Data instead of on a Friday morning: “I know that I committed to getting you this report by Friday. It’s taking us longer to get the right data, so we will need an extra two days.” If you send that a couple of days or weeks ahead of time, the client will likely believe you. Send it on Friday morning? They’ll assume it’s an excuse or that you procrastinated.

Open and honest feedback

DB to Data

Deliver measurable results: Offer transparent reporting and discuss weekly highlights and improvement areas. Ensure that tracking is as accurate as BSB Directory possible. Set clear expectations and timing: Following up meetings with summary recaps can help build trust. Own challenges and mistakes: Mistakes will happen – whether small, like a typo in reporting, or large, like an overspend. Own it, explain what you will do to prevent it from happening in the future, and if appropriate, offer a credit to make up for the inconvenience. Provide feedback and ask for it:  loops with clients should be positive, empathetic, and action-oriented. Trust is built over time and doesn’t require you to be perfect.

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