Consumer Day: E-commerces earned 31% more in 2023 Anthony

Posted on : February 27, 2024 | post in : Whatsapp Number List |Leave a reply |

Asurvey revealed that e-commerce SMEs (small and medium-sized companies) had a 31% increase. In revenue during this year’s Consumer Day. Which took place on March . That’s right, from March 12th to 15th, online retailers earned a total of R$ million. While last year it was “only” R$28.5 million in the same period. And on the , the entrepreneurs got the job done and generate million in online sales.  A value 19% higher than in . Fashion was the best-selling segment in this period. With R$13.2 million follow by health and beauty (R$3.5 million) and accessories (R$2.8 million). And look, the credit card is still the most used payment method, with 53% of sales, but Pix has been gaining ground and was chosen in 34.5% of purchases in the period, while last year it was only 13, 5%.

Free shipping and promotions on social networks

Do you know what else helped boost online store sales during Consumer Day. Offer FREE SHIPPING. On the 15th, 33% of orders were sent free of charge by retailers, an increase compare to the same day in 2022, when it was 31%. Social networks were UK WhatsApp Number Data also fundamental in this process, generating 26.5% of total online orders on that date, with 9 out of 10 coming from Instagram. We cannot forget that, to retain customers and ensure Consumer Day: E-commerces that they return to buy from the store, it is necessary to offer excellent service and meet delivery deadlines. That’s the basics, right? But it’s important to go further, offer extra things and surprise the customer. Check out the tips from e-commerce specialist, Babi Tonhela, to win over customers and retain them beyond the holidays.

Whatsapp number list

Customer loyalty in e-commerce

One tip is to automate these channels, such as integrating customer service bots into Whatsapp. – Unboxing experience: investing in packaging, personalized cards, gifts and even perfume brings delight to the customer upon receipt of the purchase, in addition to Thailand WhatsApp Number List increasing the chances of mentions on social Consumer Day: E-commerces networks and greater visibility for the brand. – Loyalty or cashback program: providing some type of reward so that customers continue shopping is a good loyalty strategy, such as offering points or cashback programs on purchases. – Usability: keep your online store updated and easy to navigate. The usability of your online store is essential for customer satisfaction and encouraging them to continue making purchases. It’s important to ensure that your online store is up to date and easy to use, with a clean, intuitive design and easy navigation.

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