Antitrust laws enhance economic efficiency

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Evolution of antitrust laws in the United States Written by Raúl. Quintana Selleras on September 7, 2023 Antitrust laws are a collection of rules. That oppose the formation of monopolies, encourage competition in market systems and achieve economic efficiency (Dogan and Lemley), taking into account that  arbitrary prices to eliminate the competition. The term antitrust refers to the fight against large companies (Wikipedia). That slow down the proper functioning of the capitalist.

Monopolistic power consists of maintaining

Economy and stop the fluidity and integration of the elements that compose it. Therefore, antitrust laws promote competition, favor the economy to  Germany Telegram Number Data the extent that. They promote  government regulation of the economy. Thus protecting it from monopoly imbalances that could contribute to affecting its proper development. . Evolution of antitrust laws in the United States The first political attempt against monopolies was probably the Sherman Act (Wikipedia) passed by the US.

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The free market and allow moderate

Congress in 1890, with the aim of controlling trade. This rule established that “the power that controls the economy must be in the hands of representatives elected by the people, not in the hands of an industrial oligarchy” (FindLaw). In fact, the Sherman Ethiopia Telegram Number  Act not only dissolved the influence of big business and enhanced the value of competitive markets, but it allowed other antitrust laws to emerge that would play a decisive role in the economy. For example, the Interstate Commerce Act.

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