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Posted on : October 7, 2023 | post in : Special Database |Leave a reply |

The income statement provides information about the operation of the enterprise. This includes sales and various expenses incurred during the period. The equity change statement or equity statement or retention income statement reports the company’s equity changes during the specified period. The cash flow statement reports the company’s cash flow activities, especially operations, investments, and financing activities within a specified period.

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 It is worth noting that the balance sheet represents a single point in time, while the profit and loss statement, the equity change   special data  statement and the cash flow statement all represent activities within the specified period. For large companies, these statements may be complex and may include financial statements and a large number of footnotes discussed and analyzed by management. The notes usually describe each item in the balance sheet, profit and loss statement and cash flow statement in more detail.

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The notes to the financial statements are considered as an integral part of the financial statements. The purpose of the financial statements “ The purpose of the financial statements is to provide information about the financial status, performance and changes in the financial   BSB Directory  status of the enterprise, which is useful for the majority of users to make economic decisions. ” The financial statements should be understandable, relevant, reliable and comparable.

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