What is SEO? How to get to the first position on Google

Posted on : February 27, 2024 | post in : Telegram Data |Leave a reply |

SEO is a set of digital marketing techniques focus. On improving What is SEO? How to get to the first position on Google user experience. In searches carri out on search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) . Where it also seeks to better rank the most relevant pages for a given keyword . The acronym appear in 1996, when the website of the band Jefferson Starship, which use to appear in the top positions of Google search, fell in positions after a certain time. When the page’s web designers were what was happening.  They notic that they no longer use keywords on the pages of the Jefferson Starship website. Meanwhile, they that the site had to the top positions again, after the optimizations made. Those responsible gave the name to these actions Search Engine Optimization, registering the term for the first time in.

What is SEO

The main function of SEO is to optimize online pages to rank well in online search engines. Through content optimization, it is possible to make a blog article or a product page rank in the top positions. This is one of the main ways to use SEO to your advantage and optimize your website to appear in the top positions of Google. Having effects, content optimization New Zealand Telegram Number Data techniques make more people access your website organically. Several surveys have already shown that around 60% of people click only on the first 3 websites that appear in the search result and 91% stay on the first page of Google, without visiting the next ones. Sign up for our Newsletter and learn everything about e-commerce. By providing my data, I agree to the Privacy Policy . Register! should_not_change We promise not to use your contact information to send any type of SPAM.


Telegram Data

Search or transactional search

This type of search is not only for online shopping, but also includes filling out forms, subscribing to email lists and newsletters. To summarize, transactional search is whatever the user wants to do, so your search is towards that. Research or informational search This type of search is done when a user is looking for Australia Telegram Number some type of information. Unlike navigational search, it still doesn’t know which site will enter, so having a good ranking for this type of search will bring you numerous advantages. Check out: Why choose Magazord as your platform? Benefits traffic Without a doubt, being well and in the top positions of search engines will bring you incredible results. One of the biggest benefits is traffic to your website. As it is one of the first results that appear for those searching for a certain term, the probability of clicking and accessing your page is greater. In addition to more visits, this will bring a more qualified audience that can convert much more to your business.


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