What is EAN? All about the European barcode

The acronym EAN corresponds to the 13-digit barcode create in Europe by GS1 and use throughout the world. European Article Numbering contains all the important information about.  A product such as manufacturer, country of origin, product model and check digit. This information is distributd as follows: Country of origin – first 3 digits (789 or 790 in Brazil); Manufacturer – 4, 5 or 6 digits; Product – 3, 4 or 5 digits; Check digit – 1 digit. What is the EAN code for and how to use it? The EAN code is use to carry out internal sales control over each product of the company, in order to reduce possible failures, since the management and identification of each merchandise is carri out individually.

How to create EAN code

If you happen to resell the products, you don’t to worry, the code is generated by the manufacturer itself. If you produce the products, your company will be responsible for generating the code. There are companies Saudi Arabia Telegram Number Data in providing this service in Brazil, if you need help. Check out: Why does the Industry need to embrace e-commerce? How is EAN different from other barcodes? In addition to EAN-13, there are other barcodes around the world, such as UPC and DUN. To the UPC, the main The European barcode difference is the number of numbers that make up the code, in addition to the UPC being in the States and Canada while the EAN-13 originates and is most used in Europe. If you export your products to these locations, be careful to use the correct code on the packaging.

Telegram Data

Stock control of your online store

It is extremely easy to identify the product in your ERP. Just scan it with a barcode reader. This guarantees more agility and productivity for your business, as you will not to manually Ethiopia Telegram Number check out the product. 3 – Get your products on the marketplace faster EAN not only makes it easier to identify products for your company but also for marketplaces. So your ad also The European barcode gains more relevance due to the sales history of other products with the item. Conclusion: Using EAN in your products will largely depend on who your consumer is and where they live. As we saw in the article, the barcode is widely in Europe, however, it may make more sense to use another one if you sell to other countries such as the States and Canada.

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