What does a china phone number look like

Posted on : February 23, 2023 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

If you’re planning on traveling to or doing business with someone in China, it’s important to know what a Chinese phone number looks like. The format of a Chinese phone number is different from that of Western countries, and understanding it can be helpful for communication.

A Chinese phone number consists of eleven digits and is typically written in the format of three groups of numbers: the first three digits represent the area code, while the remaining eight digits represent the phone number itself. The area code can be us to determine the location of the phone number.

How many digits does a chinese phone number have

For example, if a Chinese phone number starts with the area code “010,” it means that the number is locat in Beijing, the capital city of China. Other common area codes include “021” for Shanghai, “0755” for Shenzhen, and “020” for Guangzhou.  For example, a Chinese phone number in international China Phone Number List format might look like this:

It’s important to note that when making calls to China from outside the country, you’ll ne to include the country code “86” before the phone number. For example, if you’re calling a Chinese phone number from the Unit States, you would ne to dial “011” (the international dialing code for the U.S.), follow by “86,” the area code, and the phone number.

Phone Number List

How many digits does a chinese phone number have

In addition to traditional landline phone numbers, China also has a growing mobile phone market. Chinese mobile phone numbers have the same eleven-digit format as landline numbers, but they usually start with the number “1.” Mobile phone numbers can also be access through online directories and are often BSB directory associat with specific carriers, such as China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom.

It’s important to know the area code when calling a Chinese phone number, as this can help determine the location of the number. Chinese mobile phone numbers have the same eleven-digit format as landline numbers, but they usually start with the number “1.” Chinese phone numbers can also be access through various online directories.

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