What do brazil phone numbers look like

Posted on : February 23, 2023 | post in : Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

Brazilian phone numbers have a standard format consisting of 11 digits, including the country code, area code, and the local phone number. The format is designed to provide a consistent system for phone communication throughout the country.

To call a Brazilian phone number from outside the country, you will need to include the country codeĀ  before the area code and local phone number. For example, to call the Sao Paulo phone number from outside Brazil, you would dial.

The first two digits of the Brazilian phone number represent the area code, which varies depending on the location of the phone number. For example, the area code for Sao Paulo is while the area code for Rio de Janeiro is. Other cities and regions in Brazil have their unique area codes as well.

Brazil phone number example

After the area code, the remaining 9 digits represent the local phone number. The local phone number is unique to each individual or organization and can include Brazil Phone Number List a mix of numbers and sometimes letters.

It’s important to note that mobile phone numbers in Brazil also follow the same 11-digit format. Mobile phone numbers in Brazil begin with followed by eight additional digits. For example, a Brazilian mobile phone number might look like.

Phone Number List

How to get a brazil phone number

Brazil also uses specialized phone numbers, including toll-free numbers that start with and premium rate numbers that start with. These numbers may have a different number of digits depending on the specific number.

In conclusion, Brazilian phone numbers have a standard BSB directory format of 11 digits, including the country code, area code, and local phone number. The first two digits represent the area code, while the remaining 9 digits represent the local phone number. Mobile phone numbers in Brazil also follow the same 11-digit format. Understanding the phone number format can be helpful for making calls within Brazil, as well as for calling Brazilian phone numbers from outside the country.

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