Step Create optimized content

Posted on : October 22, 2023 | post in : Industry Email List |Leave a reply |

Once you have an idea of which keyword you want to rank for, it’s time to create search-optimized content for that keyword. The first thing you have to understand before you create any content is what the search intent is for your chosen keyword. Search intent encompasses three Cs: Content type Content format Content angle The “type” of content could be a blog post, video, product page, etc. The format could be a how-to guide, a list post, a review, etc. The content angle refers to the unique selling point of the top-ranking posts and pages—things like whether it includes the year in the title or talks about a certain subtopic over anything else.

Step 3. Build links

ou need internal links (links from one page on your site to another page on your site) and backlinks (links from someone else’s website pointing to your website). Add internal links contextually when creating content. They help Google (and users) find your pages and boost category email list their authority. External backlinks, on the other hand, can be difficult to come by. But they are one of the most important Google ranking factors. Without them, you will have a hard time ranking highly. There are four basic ways to build backlinks:

Adding links to other websites

Examples include doing so on your social media profiles and in business listing directories. This is the easiest method but will likely have the least impact on your rankings. Asking for links via outreach – This is probably where most of your links will come from in the beginning until you’re more well known. There are many tactics to build links this way, for example, broken link building, guest blogging, or resource page link building. Buying links – We don’t BSB Directory recommend this method, as Google considers this link spam. You may also lose your rankings if it catches you doing it. Earning links passively – This is the best way to build links because it happens on auto-

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