Soft skills not only benefits individual employees

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Negotiation. Able to plan, analyze, organize and make decisions in accordance with the autonomy of the position. Excellent interpersonal relationships, service aptitude and high sense of belonging to the organization. Extensive experience in training collaborators in strengthening soft and hard skills such as: Teamwork, leadership, motivation, time management and technical training such as:

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Extensive experience in training collaborators in strengthening soft and hard skills such as: Teamwork, leadership, motivation, time management and Philippines WhatsApp Number Data  technical training such as: Presentation of resumes, job interviews based on skills, personnel  of ​​human talent, soft skills, strengthening of administrative competencies. How to Take Join our Facebook channel! Be part of our community on Facebook and receive exclusive content every week about Entrepreneurship , Marketing and Business . Contact – Privacy – What is Emprendices? –  Projects and experiences between entrepreneurs and businessmen.

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The synthesis of these approaches creates strategic coach leaders who not only have a clear vision and a solid strategy, but also have the ability to empower their teams and  Cambodia WhatsApp Number List develop internal talent. In a business world characterized by uncertainty and fierce competition, strategic leadership and the leader coach have become an essential tandem for sustainable success and continuous adaptability. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest WhatsApp E-Mail ELENA DEL ROSARIO VARELA CEPEDA.

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