How to work on local SEO in my online store

Posted on : February 4, 2024 | post in : Buy Cell Phone Number List |Leave a reply |

Local SEO consists of positioning your business in the first results of Google for searches with geographical intent, thus attracting potential customers who are in the surroundings of your business, in your city or who are simply interested in its location. Local organic positioning is considered one of the most effective ways to attract potential customers for a physical business since the majority of people who perform a search from their mobile device do so with the intention of approaching the business personally. But… and how does Google know where the person performing the search is? We could say that Google knows If the organic positioning of an online store is based on three fundamental pillars: content, optimization and linking (internal and external), I will surely not surprise you if I tell you that the Local SEO of an ecommerce is based on : Content: Google positions in its search results pages that have relevant content that responds to users’ search intentions. Content optimization: Almost as important as the content is its optimization for local target keywords. Linked : Both internal (within the page itself or even on its blog) and external (from other media, forums and 2.0 websites in your area). Geolocation: Elements that allow Google to detect where you are, where you offer your service and where your potential client is located. Therefore, as we have already told you about the importance of working on these pillars, this time we want to tell you 10 tricks that will help you improve the Local SEO of your online store by enhancing the geolocation of your ecommerce.


Who should work on Local SEO how to work

If we want to position locally, it is essential that these four elements appear on all pages and that they coincide with each other. It is very important to work on these three factors: Match β†’ The exact address of your business will be marked by your Google My Business listing, it is very important that this exactly matches your physical store. Multichannel β†’ It is very important to include this address in all the channels in which we are: GMB, Online store, social networks, directories, citations… Online store β†’ It is essential that the name, address, email and telephone number (NAPE) data appear throughout the ecommerce. These signals will make Google identify this information as relevant and therefore take it into consideration when positioning your online store in search engines locally. Another trick when it comes to boosting the positioning of some local keywords is to create landing pages in which we include information about our business and the services we offer therein and link this landing page with representative anchors. most everything, but the reality is that it does it through Google Local. Google Local is Google’s geolocation tool that explores and discovers different Internet pages to offer higher quality search results based on the location of users thanks to the IP from which they make their query or even the GPS. if done from a mobile device. Local SEO is one of the areas of digital marketing that takes the most work for a positioning team or a marketing agency since appearing in Google Local results is much more complicated than in traditional results since it only shows the first 7 local results.

11 secrets to optimize the Local SEO of your online store

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To choose who those seven privileged people are, Google uses an algorithm that takes into account different factors than those it usually considers for the SEO of your online store. In fact, more and more clients are hiring the Local SEO module within the 360ΒΊ SEO managed by our positioning team.If you have a physical store or your company offers its services focused on different cities, Local SEO gives you the opportunity to attract new customers who are near the location of your company or who are looking for information about that location. Furthermore, this is much more enhanced with the use of mobile search since, for example, if our company is a vegetarian restaurant and we work on Local SEO in an optimized way, we will be able to appear in the first Google results when: A person who is in Zaragoza searches for “Vegetarian restaurant” because we are the closest and most similar result to our potential client’s search. A person who is not in our location searches for “Vegetarian restaurant Zaragoza” (for example, if they are going to travel to this city soon).

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