How to respond to new consumer needs

Posted on : October 17, 2023 | post in : Country Email List |Leave a reply |

Among the words – and concepts – that we use most often there is one. That reigns supreme when it comes to brands coherence .
We underlined the idea of ​​coherence with the essence of the brand. With its values, and now that we talk about change, what happens?
Change, from this perspective, does not mean denying oneself or one’s beliefs. But rather should be seen as an evolution, the result of a change in point of view , perhaps of leaving the comfort zone. In business terms it could also prove to be a double-edged sword: many will welcome. The changes and experience it positively

Just as many could see

Just as many could see it as a sort of “Betrayal” and no longer recognize themselves in the brand. This is why, if you decide to change some elements of your business’ communication. The change must be the consequence of a real internal change . No appearances, in short, you must really believe in the cause you are espousing. Positive results only come if the public perceives that there is truth and europe email list concreteness. Based on what each brand is, there may be various paths and various ways. Of approaching society’s change and its new demands.

Coca cola support for the environmental cause

Uncork happiness. Coca cola has always accustomed us to this joy optimism, sharing. Yet the company didn’t stop there. In addition to the values ​​that have distinguished and characterized. It for over a hundred years, in recent years it has decided to BSB  Directory embrace some themes dear to the public.
It was 2014 when coca cola launched second life. A campaign dedicated to one of the environmental problems that most afflicts our planet plastic.

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