E-commerce revenues of R$38.4 billion in the 2nd quarter of

Posted on : February 27, 2024 | post in : Telegram Data |Leave a reply |

According to research carried out by Neotrust , Brazilian e-commerce earned R$ billion in the second quarter of 2022. This number represents a drop of 3.2% compared to the same period of the previous year. Despite this drop in revenue, between the months of April and June there was a growth of 4.3% in relation to the number of orders placed, reaching million online purchases. This data shows the size of the strength and expansion of this new payment method. Talking about the bank slip, a traditional payment method, there was a 10% drop in revenue and a 9.6% drop in orders placed. “Pix and other forms of payment, such as digital wallets, continue to grow in e-commerce due to the rapid adoption and acceptance by consumers in relation to traditional methods, such as bank slip.

Average ticket and number of customers

Another piece of information revealed in this research is the drop in the number of unique customers in the 2nd quarter of this year. This is the first reduction since the start of the pandemic. According Spain Telegram Number Data to the research, in these 3 months, digital retail had 37 million unique customers. In other words, this number represents a decrease of 1.4 million buyers. Paulina Dias, Head of Intelligence at Neotrust also commented that, despite the growth in the number of orders, there was a decrease in revenue and consequently in the average ticket. “What can explain this decline is the decrease in consumers’ purchasing power due to the unfavorable economic scenario” – Quoted Paulina Why choose Magazord as your platform.

Telegram Data

Highlight for the North

Regarding numbers by region, the survey shows that the North was the main Brazilian highlight in the 2nd quarter of 2022. Compared to last year, there was a 7.4% growth in revenue, reaching R$1.16 billion. In terms China Telegram Number of number of orders placed, the increase was 14.7%, totaling 2.15 million online purchases. Now in relation to the Southeast, the region with the highest revenue and online sales, there was a 5.1% drop in revenue and a small increase in orders, reaching 1.7%. Categories Between April and June 2022, the telephony, household appliances and electronics categories were the 3 segments that had the highest revenue in e-commerce. On the other hand, fashion and accessories, beauty and perfumery, and health had the highest number of orders, respectively.

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