Confirmed your addiction to bad news massacres your health

Posted on : October 23, 2023 | post in : industry email lists |Leave a reply |

Confirmed your in these sordid times the media is unfortunately lavish with bad news . And although insistently focusing on such news may seem masochistic. The truth is that the addiction to information of a dark nature has ended up becoming a pandemic of absolutely colossal dimensions. This addiction , baptized in the English language as “doomscrolling”. Causes millions of people throughout the globe to consume with relish (bordering on sadism) sad, discouraging or depressing news. Which is not in short supply in a world where The war in Ukraine and climate change unfortunately monopolize all the headlines.

Addiction to bad news can translate into a constant

By its very definition, “doomscrolling” is revealed to be a not top industry data very healthy hobby. But a recent report published in Health Communication confirms what we already presumed: that this habit is indeed pure poison for health. 16.5% of the 1,100 people who took part in the research showed symptoms of being seriously affected by “doomscrolling” . Which ultimately ends up fueling stress and anxiety and also deteriorates the physical health of those who suffer from this illness. contemporary. Bryan McLaughlin, responsible for the report and researcher at Texas Tech University.

The negative consequences emanating from "doomscrolling"

27.3% of people who took part in the BSB Directory study showed moderately problematic levels of addiction to bad news. While 27.5% rated the impact of doomscrolling as minimal and 28.7% said they had no problems in this particular regard. While some people can handle being confronted with a constant stream of bad news without experiencing tangible psychological damage. Others end up developing a compulsive obsession with the media. Struggle without much success to distance themselves from the bad news that reaches their eyes.

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