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We help small businesses keep When they accounting. Choose one of our services. Accounting office , online accounting or a convenient invoice program . About us About us Job offers contact Help Demo Knowlge base Wroclaw Advantages. CRM Warehouse Mobile applications Practical integrations Partner Program E-commerce API BOK Mon. Write bok Sick leave inspection – who can carry it out. BlogTaxesSick leave inspection – who can carry it out. The employer has the right to check the employee whether he or she is not using sick leave contrary to its intend purpose. Read the article and find out what the inspection rules are and what documents to prepare.

If another employee from the company

Is appoint to perform the inspection. Sick leave control – issues discuss. Who can supervise an employee on sick leave? Sick leave control – rules What is the purpose of sick leave control. Sick leave inspection report The employee’s absence from home during the sick leave philippines photo editor inspection Inspection carri out by. An external company and GDPR Hiring a detective to check an employee at L How sick leave is check. Summary An inspection of an employee staying in L in terms of the correct use of the leave may be carri out by an inspector from ZUS. The employer or an external company hir by the employer.

However checking sick leave

Is not arbitrary – you cannot come to the employee’s apartment without having the appropriate documents. Read the article and find out how to legally check an employee and what the regulations say about the protection of personal data under the GDPR. Who can supervise an employee on sick leave? The rules for monitoring employees staying at L are regulat by two BSB Directory regulations: Regulation of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy of July , on detail rules and procures for monitoring the correct use of sick leave from work and formal control of mical certificates hereinafter referr to as the Regulation.

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