It is worth reviewing the proposals. Perhaps you spent some time at the university with people with whom it is worth refreshing contact. Way to make friends The search bar is by far the simplest form of tricking contacts. We have much more opportunities here. This feature allows you to expand your professional network by searching for people by name, interests or the company they work for. How to do it? In the search bar, enter the keyword you are looking for, marketing manager. Since the password is quite popular, LinkedIn makes our lives easier and adds some additional search features.

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In the basic options, after entering our password, we have a choice of job offers, people, content, company. However, after expanding the search, we can indicate Type of Latest Mailing Database contact (first, print or third degree relationship) Location Workplace Industry The portal itself will redirect us to the people search engine, but these functions are worth remembering for the future, at the stage of planning a social selling strategy. When we have found the person we are interested in, we can invite them to the group of friends, but beware.

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Think for yourself, how many invitations from people you do not know you accept without thinking? a valuable network of contacts? Exactly. To increase your chances of getting a new contact, we encourage you to Go to the person’s profile Go through it and think about what “points of contact” you have When inviting such a person, click on “make contact” and select the option “add a note” Source LinkedIn Source LinkedIn Writing a few words about yourself, information that you met during a conference or a reminder about a jointly implemented project will facilitate BSB Directory the decision to accept you into the network of contacts.

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